Don Mitchell Lafayette DPEC At-Large Representative
Don Mitchell is a representative for the Lafayette Democratic Party Executive Committee At-Large in Lafayette, Louisiana. Don is very passionate about the core principles of the Democratic Party in Lafayette, Louisiana and committed to using his God-giving talents to make a positive difference in the community. Don Mitchell strives to help create a better turnout of registered voters in Lafayette and in future elections by registering new Democrats to vote for quality democratic candidates up and down the ballot.
Don has certifications in Web Business Development and Marketing Web Development, Graphic Design-Visual and Graphic Design, Adobe Photoshop CS6 Essential Tools, Developing a Business Model for a Digital Media Company, Understanding Thermodynamics for Science and Engineering, and Advanced Physics 1.
Don is concerned with the attack on our democracy in Louisiana. Don is concerned with gerrymandered maps in Louisiana. Don is concerned with low voter turnout in Louisiana. Don is concerned with the attack on our core family values in Louisiana. Don is concerned with the disconnect between Louisiana voters and elected officials. Louisiana is a great state that Don loves to call home, Lafayette is a wonderful city with amazing people and it is Don’s hope to bring Louisiana Democrats together to energize Lafayette so our children could thrive and prosper and Don ask for your help to fulfill our best promises.